Ascend Funding Approach

What We Fund

We’ve seen firsthand how detrimental periodic or disparate efforts in this space have been—and we’re committed to bringing changemakers the funds they need to accelerate the pace of parity.

Examples of what we fund:

  • Increasing training capacity and accessibility
  • Developing culturally relevant curriculum and recruitment practices
  • Developing marketing campaigns to highlight diverse women leaders and pathways to public office

See a full list of partners.

We believe in the advancement and representation of women and all marginalized genders, including but not limited to transgender, intersex, Two Spirit, and non-binary people. The Ascend Fund, and our partners, strive to make sure that gender equity is intersectional and inclusive of all people who have historically been oppressed.

Grantmaking Process

The Ascend Fund typically provides five- and six-figure general operating grants to partners implementing innovative strategies to recruit women to run for office and enhance their ability to win elections.

The Ascend Fund solicits proposals on an annual basis and in response to changing needs. While we complete rigorous due diligence on organizations we fund, our application process is streamlined to reduce the burden for prospective partners.

To maximize impact, the Ascend Fund works closely with all partners in our portfolio throughout the year. Partners must also complete grant reports twice a year and actively participate in a portfolio wide measurement, learning, and evaluation (MLE) process.

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